“For the Cause of Justice.”Embark on a rollercoaster of emotions with The Killing Game Series – a thrilling saga of passion, control, deception, and danger. Join Special Agent Ives Andrich as he unravels a web of secrets surrounding his wife's mistreatment during the Luca case, exposing a chilling connection to a hunted bomber. Cryptic clues and a twisted conspiracy set the stage for The Chase, Book Two of The Killing Game Series, a heart-stopping romantic suspense thriller by The Black Rose.Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled ride as Ives engages in a high-stakes mental chase, leading to a face-to-face showdown with the elusive bomber. In this gripping sequel, suspense and romance collide, delivering a relentless pursuit of justice that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
Don't miss out on the electrifying drama – Dive into “The Chase” and experience the intensity today!
TheunspokensubtitleforTheChase,thesecondbookin theseries,hasalwaysbeenRetribution—athemethat couldalsobedubbedRevenge.Truetoform,Ivespursues thebook’sfirstnemesis,DavidSeagate,theDirectorof InternalAffairsfortheBureau.Seagatehasspenthisca-reertargetingexceptionalSpecialAgents,andIveshas beenaparticularfocusofhisire.OverIves’17-year Bureaucareer,Seagatehasmade36failedattemptsto ousthim.Whenhisdirectattacksfailed,Seagateaimed forIves’heart—targetingAllina,thewomanheloves,in TheKillingGame.InTheChase,readersdiscoverexactly what happens when someone crosses that line with Ives.Asthestoryunfolds,itbecomesclearthatnotallof Allina’sstrugglesareduetoIves’enemies.Manyofhertri-alsbeganlongbeforesheandIvesevermet.Allinaisa keyfigureinmultipleplotsinvolvingIvesastheultimate target.OnceIvestakesdownSeagateandhissinister ally... Read More…
“It is not how well you fight in battle,but how well you rule your own head and heart that will make you king.”Father to Son
“For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”
TheunspokensubtitleforTheChase,thesecond bookintheseries,hasalwaysbeenRetribution— athemethatcouldalsobedubbedRevenge.True toform,Ivespursuesthebook’sfirstnemesis, DavidSeagate,theDirectorofInternalAffairsfor theBureau.Seagatehasspenthiscareertarget-ingexceptionalSpecialAgents,andIveshasbeen aparticularfocusofhisire.OverIves’17-year Bureaucareer,Seagatehasmade36failedat-temptstoousthim.Whenhisdirectattacks failed,SeagateaimedforIves’heart—targeting Allina,thewomanheloves,inTheKillingGame. InTheChase,readersdiscoverexactlywhathap-pens when someone crosses that line with Ives.Asthestoryunfolds,itbecomesclearthatnotall ofAllina’sstrugglesareduetoIves’enemies. ManyofhertrialsbeganlongbeforesheandIves evermet.Allinaisakeyfigureinmultipleplotsin-volvingIvesastheultimatetarget.OnceIves takes down Seagate and his sinister ally... Read More…
“It is not how well you fight in battle,but how well you rule your own head and heart that will make you king.”Father to Son
The ChaseBook Two | The Killing Game Series
“For the Cause of Justice.”EmbarkonarollercoasterofemotionswithThe KillingGameSeries–athrillingsagaofpassion, control,deception,anddanger.JoinSpecial AgentIvesAndrichasheunravelsawebof secretssurroundinghiswife'smistreatment duringtheLucacase,exposingachilling connectiontoahuntedbomber.Crypticclues andatwistedconspiracysetthestageforThe Chase,BookTwoofTheKillingGameSeries,a heart-stoppingromanticsuspensethrillerby The Black Rose.Getreadyforanadrenaline-fueledrideasIves engagesinahigh-stakesmentalchase,leading toaface-to-faceshowdownwiththeelusive bomber.Inthisgrippingsequel,suspenseand romancecollide,deliveringarelentlesspursuit ofjusticethatwillleaveyouontheedgeofyour seat.
Don't miss out on the electrifying drama — Dive into “The Chase” and experience the intensity today!
“For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”