“With Faith and Resolve.”Embark on an enthralling journey with FBI agent Ives Andrich in the gripping third installment of The Killing Game Series. As Ives grapples with the shattered pieces of his life following the presumed death of his wife, a mysterious stranger emerges with an extraordinary proposition that has the power to reshape his destiny.Representing a clandestine German political organization, the enigmatic visitor seeks Ives to take charge of their intelligence division. Intrigued by this unconventional offer, Ives plunges into an investigation to unveil the truth behind the secretive group. Yet, the revelations he uncovers not only hold the key to his fate but also thrust him into the heart of chaos.Get ready for an exhilarating ride as The Black Rose masterfully unravels the intricate plot in "The Lost Days," Book Three of The Killing Game Series. Join Ives Andrich as he navigates a labyrinth of secrets and uncertainties, where each revelation propels him closer to the brink of the unknown. Brace yourself for suspense, intrigue, and a thrilling exploration of Ives' journey through the shadows.
Brace for suspense and intrigue in this captivating adventure – Get your copy of “The Lost Days” now!